Spiritual Alignment and receiving guidance all start with saying yes.

Last week, the oracle energies were hitting a little too close to home for me! I also do my own daily Cosmic Guidance Workbook ritual and on Friday I pulled the 9 of Swords and felt the message of a dark night of the soul as a confirmation of what I was feeling, but then I also pulled the 7 of Wands urging me to have some spiritual courage bring myself into balance. The timing was crazy as I happened to watch the Friday message of the weekly energies and I heard myself say, “Take time out this weekend and do a spiritual, psychological and emotional cleansing.”

When I say I had a jolt run through me, I actually felt like I had been shocked. I’ve been working on the theme of alignment (meaning this message had been coming to me in every card, every meditation and even my dreams) and this felt like an opportunity. I have made the commitment that I will take action on my guidance so I immediately booked a last-minute trip for my own spiritual retreat. I envisioned forest bathing, walking the labyrinth and time to just be in nature and do a cleansing ritual.
If you know me, you aren't shocked that I didn't check the weather and ended up having to stay in my little cabin as it poured rain, huddled around the heater. It cleared up just in time to check out on Sunday, but I didn’t feel any clarity or experience any of the shifts I had expected. So, I decided to walk the labyrinth and I released my expectations and simply sat in gratitude for my weekend. As I got on the road home I heard, “Now you are ready.” For the hour drive home I received download after download of what I needed to do when I got home and how I could be in in balance/alignment. What a beautiful gift and reminder that I needed!
My lessons learned on my mini spiritual retreat:
I can’t control the timeline of my process. Sometimes when I’m blocked I just have to rest and stay warm.
Guidance is always available, I am more receptive when I’m alignment with what I’m hearing.
Releasing the pressure and instead practicing gratitude is where the magic is.