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Writer's pictureAbbie - Intuitive Resources

Weekly Oracle Card Energies | 7/24/23

This is a week of balancing your necessary

spiritual work and supporting your physical body.


Monday | July 24th, 2023

We start the week with a message to tap into the deepest truth of your heart. Stop letting that what doesn't resonate with you run the show. You have a powerful voice and the world needs to hear it. You are being called to take a leap of faith to follow your inner spiritual calling. Use your discernment to filter out the ego layers and step into your most authentic self today.

Mantra: I follow the truth of my heart.


Tuesday | July 25th, 2023

Tuesday you are being reminded of all the divine support you have waiting for you to tap into it so that you can focus on your soul expansion. The Immortal Treasures card is another reminder to tap into your unique self. It's time to make sure your cup is full. You can't shine if your cup is empty. What do you need to heal, or get some support on? Trust your intuition and make the decision to honor what you bring to the world today.

Mantra: I am open to receiving divine support for my soul expansion.


Wednesday | July 26th, 2023

Pay attention to your body on Wednesday and tune in to what you can do to support your body and well being. Do a meditation, being very intentional about each body part and taking note of what needs to be supported. It's also a beautiful card that is reminding you to get grounded and centered and to not get unbalanced.

Mantra: I love and support my physical body.


Thursday | July 27th, 2023

The Insects card comes as a support card in helping to free you from feelings of powerlessness. Wherever you are not feeling supported by others or from yourself. The unsinkable nature of insects is a reminder of your own tenaciousness. Your ability to find your way through any difficult situation is remarkable. Not matter who has hurt you, mocked you, or discouraged you - today your job is to feel supported and to receive encouragement.

Mantra: I am protected, supported, and safe.


Friday | July 28th, 2023

On Friday you have the gift of the Seventh Ray card indicating that it's time for you to embody a higher frequency. It's time to balance your attachment to what has been with an openness to the new. Question everything and ask, "Am I just doing what I've always done or is this what I want to do?" If you are seeing this then you probably hear a lot about ascension and this is your nudge to deepen your spiritual practice and to stop fearing the future. You can handle anything that comes your way.

Mantra: As I come into alignment so does the world around me.


Have a wonderful magic-filled week Inspired Souls. ~Abbie

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