This is an exciting week of manifestation, balance, flow, and completion energy.
Monday | June 19th, 2023
Monday's card is asking you how can you help others if you don't know yourself? You are being called to live your purpose to have balance in your life. If you've been avoiding your Higher Self, ignoring what you know you need to be working on, well today is the day to tune in and look beneath the surface. Connect to the mystery inside of you and ask your inner Shaman what you need to do to restore balance in your life.
Mantra: I seek and choose balance.
Tuesday | June 20th, 2023
The White Buffalo is coming to you on Tuesday and letting you know that you do not need to struggle to survive. Today is a day to tune into the great energy of manifestation and abundance within you. You are being met with much lighter energy and if you focus on what you want to manifest with this energy- get ready for the magic to happen! If you had a question that you have been looking for a sign then consider this your sign and the message, is- YES! Follow your heart and follow your joy.
Mantra: I feel and therefore I create.
Wednesday | June 21st, 2023
Our card on Wednesday is a powerful divine feminine card and she is asking you to drop your armor and find your flow. It is time to stop struggling, and to surrender to your current situation. Whatever your challenge is instead of pushing and forcing it to change or be different try dropping your resistance. Breath through it, let it flow through you and tune into the divine feminine. As you do this be prepared for a new way of dealing with your challenge to present itself.
Mantra: I surrender and flow with the divine feminine.
Thursday | June 22nd, 2023
Your card for Thursday is a message to let go and say yes to life. Be daring, be unpredictable. Get up and dance around your house and leave the chores for another today. Clear out the mental and emotional clutter and let of the things that you have outgrown. It could be a relationship, your wardrobe, your job, or just your own repetitive negative thoughts. Don't delay in listening to to your heart and following your dreams.
Mantra: I break free from my circumstances and I say yes!!!!
Friday | June 23rd, 2023
On Friday you are being gifted with productive energy to help you transform your to-do list into your "done" list. Take all of your life lessons to date and turn them into activity. It's a day of taking your inspiration and giving it form. Find joy in productivity today and trust that you are headed into completion of what you are creating.
Mantra: I am embrace productivity and completion energy.
Have a wonderful magic-filled week Inspired Souls. ~Abbie