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We have been conditioned to look at health as something that is outside of us and unattainable. Not only have we lost touch with our bodies natural wisdom, we’ve also lost touch with our connection to our bodies. This Cosmic Health Alchemy Kit has been developed to help you come into sacred relationship with your physical body. It is an extension of your mind and your belief system that are running on automatic pilot. Work with this Alchemy Kit to embody the version of health that you feel good about, not what someone else has conditioned you to believe you want.


What’s Included in Your Cosmic Health Kit:

  • Tray
  • 2 Personally selected crystals (Selenite & Amethyst)
  • 40 candles (w/holder)
  • Healing Amethyst Spray
  • Mantra
  • Workbook with 40 days of ritual and guidance through each step


In addition to the kit itself you will also receive:

  • A recording of the ritual to guide you through it until you decided how you want to customize the ritual in your own words.
  • An Introductory Video explaining more about the kit, what is in it, and how to get the best use out of the Alchemy Kit.


Learn to tap into what your body is communicating with you and then take a balanced approach to look at health from a physical and spiritual endeavor. Allow the Divine to flow through you and to step into the frequency of health as YOU define it.


Alchemy Kits

Confused with all of the theories of the Law of Attraction, Heart Coherence, Energy Healing, and wondering exactly how to use crystals and oils to manifest real magic in your life? This alchemy kit has each of these modalities weaved into a masterful process that allows you to CONNECT with the Divine, EMBODY healing, and TRANSFORM your life.


There is more than enough theory available, this is everything in one kit/one process that aligns you with the Law of Attraction. The workbook inside the Alchemy Kit guides you through understanding why this ritual works, the symbolism behind every component and step, as well as easy-to-follow steps to guide you for the full 40 days. 


Your Alchemy Kit comes with the crystals, essential oils, candles, and a workbook to guide you in this magical practice. What is needed from you is to show up every day and give it 100% commitment to manifest magic in your life.


Need additional support? We offer additional MP3 versions of the ritual where you are guided through the ritual until you feel comfortable co-creating your own.


Our Alchemy Kits are a major part of our mission at Intuitive-Resources. We provide mystical & unique tools to help you transmute your limiting beliefs, raise your frequency, and manifest magic in your life. This Alchemy Kit is not only a manifestation tool, it helps you to work with your divine team of helpers and to connect deeply with your higher self.

Cosmic Health Alchemy Kit

  • "I'm as big a skeptic as anyone, but I decided to give this a shot. I had a big check-up coming and wanted to get better results this year.  The only thing I changed was I began working with this Alchemy Kit. My AIC went down to 5.8 when I have been pre-diabetic for 20 years! It's hard as you get older to get that number to move so you have made a believer out of me."

    ~JoAnn H.


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