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Weekly Oracle Card Energies | 10/30/23

This is a week of shifting perspective, releasing fear, and breaking old cycles.


Monday | October 30th, 2023

Wisdom isn't just having the knowledge, it's about applying it for the common good of the collective. The Wisdom card is telling you that it's time to shift so that you are living in a way that builds your spirit. Are you seeing things clearly or do you need to take a step back? Look at your current situation from an alternative perspective to gain the wisdom you need to step into this next phase.

Mantra: I step back and gain a new perspective.


Tuesday | October 31st, 2023

Tuesday's card is a reminder that the greatest vibration is one of gratitude. You are being called to step out of lack today. Give from your heart and surrender your desire to receive something back. Allow life to unfold without trying to control anything in this crazy world. What can you focus on today that helps you to give unconditionally?

Mantra: I tap into my generous spirit and give with ease.


Wednesday | November 1st, 2023

On Wednesday your soul wants you to be brave. Today is the day to notice your fear and then do it anyway. Water magic is about working with movement and getting stagnancy to flow and finding emotional balance. What can you do today to move through your fear to follow your Truth to follow your passion? Don't give this one lip service- find a way to honor the calling of your soul today.

Mantra: I choose to step into my power.


Thursday | November 2nd, 2023

Thursday's card is a message from Hecate and she has several messages for you. First is a reminder of your duality. You are not all good or all bad, but it is time for you to let go of what is familiar, safe, and comfortable. Second, you are breaking the stagnant wheel and have many new opportunities ahead of you. You have to break free and go deeper on your path. It's time to let go of it. You know what- do something today to truly let it go.

Mantra: I embrace change and moving on.


Friday | November 3rd, 2023

On Friday you might be feeling a little exposed. All week you are being asked to move into your new phase. Change can leave you feeling vulnerable. What can you do today to sit in the power of your Truth but also let you feel safe? Examine what is going on and see where in your life you need to protect yourself and where you need to embrace the vulnerability of change.

Mantra: I am safe.


Weekend | November 4th - November 5th, 2023

This weekend's card is a reminder to seek the light through your dark passage. Find your innocence and be intentional about releasing shame that you have been holding onto. Change your perspective this weekend and look at life through the eyes of your Inner Child.

Mantra: I embrace my Inner Child.


Have a wonderful magic-filled week Inspired Souls. ~Abbie

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