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Weekly Oracle Card Energies | 10/23/23

Writer's picture: Abbie - Intuitive ResourcesAbbie - Intuitive Resources

We are really working on balance this week!


Monday | October 23rd, 2023

We start the week with some special Turtle Spirit medicine. now is not the time for you to rush and try to force things. This is your message to slow down and take a deep breath. Taking a pause and practicing a little patience is the most important thing you can do for yourself today. Allow your next step or decision that you are making to flow rather than be forced.

Mantra: I pause and allow myself to flow.


Tuesday | October 24th, 2023

Tuesday's card is asking you to check in and see if you really do believe that your wishes can come true? Tap into your inner child today and find some of your joy and wonder of what you want to manifest in your life. Make a wish on the first star you see tonight, do something that just allows you to flow a little and stop resisting so much of what you want to manifest.

Mantra: I tap into my inner child and joy today.


Wednesday | October 25th, 2023

On Wednesday the Dragon of Balance is reminding you that fear, frustration and anger serve to disempower you. It's time to focus on empowering yourself and that means finding balance. What boundaries do you need to set today, what joy can you find in a dark time. I've said it once, I'll say it a million more times- we can't escape the duality of human life but we can seek to find the balance and our equilibrium.

Mantra: I seek balance today.


Thursday | October 26th, 2023

Thursday's card is a Blessing of Belief card and it's gift is to help you in tapping back into your belief in the magic of this world. You can get through what you are going through, the humanity can evolve to stop turning on each other. What we need is more people who believe it until we can shift it for the collective. trust that you are supported and know that belief and faith are yours if you choose.

Mantra: I believe.


Friday | October 27th, 2023

On Friday all of the energies of the week are culminating and it's your clear sign that you are ready to shift. Drop your resistance, your anger, your grief, and hand it to your higher power. You are ready to shift and to step into your power today. You are starting a new chapter in your life and it's okay to embrace it!

Mantra: I welcome the shift in my life.


Weekend | October 28th - October 29th, 2023

This weekend's card is asking you to take time to integrate this whole week with some stillness. It's okay to not fill every second of your weekend up. Big shifts also require some time to integrate and to anchor in. Let yourself be still this weekend.

Mantra: I embrace the stillness.


Have a wonderful magic-filled week Inspired Souls. ~Abbie

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