We tend to think of emotions as something without form. These pesky feelings that come up when we don’t want them to and we push them away thinking that’s the end of it. The truth is that our feelings and emotions do take form. We can’t see the energetic matter that they are made of, but they take up space in our bodies if we do not recognize them, seek to understand them and help them to be healed.
The energy of our emotions are not going to be silenced. They are always trying to be heard and expressed in some way, like anything that is in pain and seeking a remedy. If we do not recognize them and seek to understand them then they will become toxic and find slippery ways of getting out. You may have an ailment, disease or emotional breakdowns that you can’t explain. Unexpressed and unexamined emotions don’t care about the havoc they wreck in your life. They are the symptom of continuing to suppress them.

Suppression comes in many forms. For example, “I need to be nice so I can’t express how I really feel.” Or, “There’s a reason for this situation, it must be a past life or karmic lesson.” We gloss over, repress or deny uncomfortable emotions and don’t get me started on jealousy or frustration.
“I’m a bad person for hating that Jack and Jill are so happy,” becomes a thin smile and telling them at least 50 times how happy you are for them (and anyone else who will listen) but that smile never quite meets your eyes. When the big emotions come up and we start to feel them overwhelming us, we turn to one of our coping mechanisms.
We smoke a cigarette, get high, eat sugar or ‘carby’ foods, drink, spend money, take medications, watch tv or scroll social media. Those are just some options, we truly get quite creative with how we check out of the big emotions. We come by this trait honestly. We have all been conditioned from a very early age in the art of suppression. “Big kids don’t cry. ” “You’re okay,” when you very clearly are not. These subconscious tapes get cemented early in life and then my favorite suppression act is to be mad at the parent(s) who helped make the tapes versus working with those unexpressed emotions that have been hiding out.
We smoke a cigarette, get high, eat sugar or ‘carby’ foods, drink, spend money, take medications, watch tv or scroll social media. Those are just some options, we truly get quite creative with how we check out of the big emotions. We come by this trait honestly. We have all been conditioned from a very early age in the art of suppression. “Big kids don’t cry. ” “You’re okay,” when you very clearly are not. These subconscious tapes get cemented early in life and then my favorite suppression act is to be mad at the parent(s) who helped make the tapes versus working with those unexpressed emotions that have been hiding out.
Before you feel judgement on yourself or others for this, please take a breath and understand that it’s the human condition. The subconscious, the ego or whatever your thought system calls it. We are all working on this and nobody has it mastered. It’s what being human is about, but if we continue to suppress and ignore them we are not taking full advantage of the life classroom.
What To Do
Ignoring our emotions is no longer an option. We must first practice listening to what our emotions are saying. The best tool that I have learned is simple. Write all the emotions down in their full expression. Vent out your upset, frustration, grief or abandonment. Then take your letter, fold it up and ask your Divine Team/Source to help you transmute the energy with one of the following strategies:
1. Burn it in a fire pit.
2. Shred it into tiny bits and envision.
3. Put it in a vial of water and let it dissolve.
4. Bury it in the earth.

You can also find some sound healing/sound balancing practices. You can use a tuning fork, play YouTube sound healings. Sound is a powerful way to sit in a new frequency to help you run the emotions through versus ignoring them.
In this beautiful classroom we call life, we are learning to master the feeling and flowing of our emotions. When we allow our emotions to guide us, give us indications of what we need to heal then we are tapping into the real magic of our emotional landscape.