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Best-selling Author, Master Wiccan, Law of Attraction Coach, and Intuitive. Abbie is on a mission to bring her brand of magic and inspiration to the world by providing tools and teachings that support her clients in deepening and expanding their spiritual practice. Intuitive-Resources offers powerful coaching, workbooks, custom rituals and spells, and uniquely curated alchemy kits that are designed to help bring complex spiritual teachings into physical form.

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  • Iridologist

  • Live Blood Cell Analysis

  • Wellness Counselor

  • Raw Food Chef

  • EFT Practitioner

  • Energy Medicine Practitioner

  • 12th Dimensional Healing Energy Practitioner

  • Master of Wicca

  • Law of Attraction Coach

  • Life Coach

  • EQ Coach

  • Prayer Practitioner

  • Hypnotherapy Practitioner

  • Meditation Practitioner


With more than 25 years of executive recruiting and coaching experience in the corporate world I have harbored a secret that I tried extremely hard to keep under wraps.... I am a Witch, an Energy Healer, and a student of all things mystical.


When my son was three months old he broke out into a rash over his entire body. My mother was nearing the end of her long battle with cancer and nobody seemed to be able to help us.

I went to every medical doctor, every naturopath, tried every quick fix the internet had to sell but I was still helpless as the doctor told me to just, "Hope he grows out of it."  If you know me, you aren't surprised when I say that just wasn't good enough. The second turning point came when my mother passed away and the next day I watched my son, fully engrossed in a cartoon, stand up and hug the air behind him. Everything turned upside down as I began my journey of understanding the symbiotic relationship between the physical body and our spiritual lives. I like to joke that I personally kept the self-help industry afloat as I took every workshop/class, got every certification I could find, and read every book published. 


Because nothing is on accident, through my son's physical transformation my spiritual journey took an interesting turn. I expanded my learning into the world of energy healing, prayer, and then on a whim I was to introduced to witchcraft. I was overcome with the feeling of coming home. I quickly learned that all three are inextricably intertwined.


I am now on a mission to bring my brand of magic and inspiration to the world in hopes that it helps you. We are on the precipice of real change in the collective and we need tools and techniques to help us heal, cope and thrive.  I hope you will join me in embracing the magic of energy healing, prayer, magic, and ritual.


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